Well I got them finished - They're lovely models but there are some really shite bits, the multi-arm chap is awful I have to say but everything else is lovely. Quite pleased with the fleshtones.
From left to right; there is one guy saying "We've not got it in a nine, will an 8 do?", "Well I'll have to shoot you", "But why, I've only shat myself", "Always wants to kill..." and guy on far right saying "What was his name? Smith, are you taking the piss?".
Decided to add some fallen leaves to these lads, basically in my own self indulgent arty shit way, I thought of dead leaves on the dirty ground being a good theme with the quartermaster slaying one of his men... |
After that, a massive tidy up was in order, and I also added myself some shelves, and for any nitpickers out there, the shelves are level, the walls are not.*
* - I live in a 150+yr old farm house, I know the wall isn't perfect as I rebuilt part of it when I moved in...